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A world leader in special-purpose automated machines for manufacturers of high-performance fasteners, engine valves, and other high-volume components.

Designing and
building machines
since 1993

At e-tech, we export our machines to the leading manufacturers of high-performance fasteners and automotive components worldwide. Our machines are fast and reliable and built for 24/7 operation.

Many customers have more than 20 e-tech machines and we offer them a personal service wherever they are across the globe.


2024-08-14 08:19:30

Introducing The FR-V5

We are pleased to introduce our latest fillet rolling machine, the FR-V5 This new model incorporates several technical enhancements aimed to improve performance, reliability, and ease of…

2024-06-18 16:13:47

e-tech’s Presentation At The Aerospace Innovation Showcase: Manufacturing Automation & Robotics

We are excited to share that our very own Andy Warden presented at the Aerospace Technology Institute’s Aerospace Innovation Showcase for Manufacturing Automation & Robotics Andy’s…

Engineers stood in front of their new machine
2024-06-14 10:29:11

SPS Technologies Boosts Efficiency With New ADB-S2 Drill, Point & Broach Machines

We are thrilled to share a snapshot of SPS Technologies’ engineers standing in front of one of their new ADB-S2 Drill, Point & Broach Machines SPS have had 20 e-tech ADB-X machines running in…

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